Radiofrequency Body & Facial Contouring Machine

This multi-purpose machine is used for body contouring and fat reduction.

  • RF: Using a high power of 1MHz 3D radio frequency, that generates heat deep under the skin, promoting metabolism by its hyper-thermal effect.

  • 40k Cavitation: Ultrasound waves penetrate into the fat layer of the body to produce a cavitation effect, effectively making fat cells burst and emulsify into glyceride

  • Vacuum RF: can promote tissue metabolism, repel the cellulite, and consume fatty acids.

  • Lipo Laser: penetrate deep into the skin to stimulate metabolism, so as to maintain the effect after treatment.

Technical Specifications

Technology: Vacuum+Cavitation+ RF+Laser

Function: Weight Loss,Body Slimming Skin Lifting

Voltage: 110V/220V 50-60Hz

Handles: 9 handles


Radiofrequency (RF) fat burning machines are medical and aesthetic devices used for various purposes, including fat reduction, skin tightening, and body contouring. These machines use RF energy to heat the skin and underlying tissues, which can have several beneficial effects:

  1. Fat Reduction: RF energy can penetrate the skin and target fat cells deep within the body. The heat generated by RF energy can break down the fat cells, leading to their destruction. Over time, the body naturally eliminates these damaged fat cells, resulting in localized fat reduction.

  2. Skin Tightening: RF energy can stimulate collagen production in the skin, which helps improve skin elasticity and tightness. This is particularly useful for individuals with loose or sagging skin, often seen after significant weight loss or aging.

  3. Cellulite Reduction: RF treatments can also target the connective tissues responsible for cellulite. By heating and remodeling these tissues, RF can help reduce the appearance of cellulite.

  4. Body Contouring: RF fat burning machines are often used for body contouring to reshape and sculpt areas of the body. This can create a smoother and more aesthetically pleasing body profile.

40K Cavitation

A 40K cavitation machine, often referred to as an ultrasonic cavitation machine or simply a cavitation machine, is a device used in the field of aesthetics and beauty treatments. It utilizes a technology called ultrasonic cavitation to target and reduce localized fat deposits in the body. Here's how it works and what it's used for:

  1. Ultrasonic Cavitation: The "40K" in a 40K cavitation machine refers to the frequency of the ultrasonic waves used, which is typically around 40,000 Hertz. These high-frequency sound waves create pressure and temperature fluctuations in the targeted fat cells. This disrupts the fat cell membranes, causing them to release their contents into the bloodstream.

  2. Fat Reduction: The primary purpose of a 40K cavitation machine is to reduce fat in specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and arms. It's often used for body contouring and spot reduction to help individuals achieve a more toned and sculpted appearance.

  3. Cellulite Reduction: In addition to fat reduction, some people use cavitation machines to target and reduce cellulite. The disruption of fat cells and improved circulation can help reduce the appearance of cellulite.

  4. Non-Invasive Procedure: One of the key benefits of cavitation treatments is that they are non-invasive. Unlike surgical procedures like liposuction, cavitation does not require incisions, anesthesia, or a lengthy recovery period.

  5. Tightening and Skin Improvement: Some cavitation machines may have additional features such as radiofrequency or vacuum therapy, which can help tighten the skin and improve its texture, making it look smoother and more youthful.

Vacuum RF

A Vacuum RF (Radio Frequency) machine is a cosmetic and medical device used for various skin and body treatments. It combines two primary technologies: vacuum suction and radiofrequency energy. Here's how it's commonly used:

  1. Skin Tightening: Vacuum RF machines are often used for non-surgical skin tightening treatments. The vacuum technology helps lift and stretch the skin while the radiofrequency energy heats the deeper layers of the skin, stimulating collagen production. This can result in firmer, more youthful-looking skin and a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

  2. Cellulite Reduction: The combination of vacuum suction and RF energy can be effective in reducing the appearance of cellulite. By targeting fat cells and stimulating collagen production, it can help smooth out the skin's texture and improve the appearance of dimples.

  3. Body Contouring: Vacuum RF machines can also be used for body contouring. The vacuum suction helps target and treat localized areas of fat, while the radiofrequency energy can assist in breaking down the fat cells and tightening the skin in those areas.

  4. Circumference Reduction: These devices can be used to reduce the circumference of specific body areas, such as the abdomen, thighs, and arms, by promoting the breakdown of fat and tightening the skin.

  5. Lymphatic Drainage: Some vacuum RF machines include features for lymphatic drainage, which can help reduce swelling and improve the overall appearance of the skin.

Lipo Laser

A lipo laser machine, also known as laser lipolysis or laser liposuction, is a medical device used for non-surgical fat reduction and body contouring. It utilizes laser technology to target and disrupt fat cells in localized areas of the body. Here's how it works and what it is used for:

  1. Fat Reduction: Lipo laser machines use low-level laser therapy (LLLT) to penetrate the skin and target fat cells beneath. The laser energy is absorbed by the fat cells, causing them to release their stored triglycerides (fats) into the bloodstream.

  2. Fat Removal: Once the fat cells release their contents, the body's lymphatic system helps to transport and process these fats for elimination. This natural process allows the body to gradually metabolize and remove the fat, resulting in a reduction in the size of the treated area.

  3. Body Contouring: Lipo laser treatments are often used for body contouring and shaping. They are typically employed on areas of the body where stubborn pockets of fat accumulate, such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, and arms.

  4. Non-Surgical: One of the primary advantages of lipo laser is that it is a non-invasive procedure. Unlike traditional liposuction, it does not involve surgical incisions, general anesthesia, or significant downtime. Patients can often return to their regular activities shortly after a session.

  5. Toning and Tightening: In addition to fat reduction, some lipo laser machines also claim to stimulate collagen production and promote skin tightening, which can lead to improved skin tone in the treated areas.