What is IPL Laser Hair Remover?

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) laser hair removal is a popular cosmetic procedure used to reduce or remove unwanted body hair. It is a non-invasive method that uses broad-spectrum light to target the melanin (pigment) in hair follicles, ultimately leading to their destruction and preventing further hair growth. The IPL device emits a range of wavelengths of light that can be adjusted to suit different skin and hair types. The procedure is commonly used to treat areas such as the face, legs, underarms, bikini line, and other body parts.

What is IPL Skin Rejuvenation?

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) laser skin rejuvenation is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that uses broad-spectrum light to improve the appearance of the skin. It is often referred to as photorejuvenation or photofacial. IPL devices emit multiple wavelengths of light that target various skin concerns, such as sun damage, pigmentation issues, redness, and fine lines. The treatment works by delivering short bursts of intense light energy to the skin, which is absorbed by specific chromophores, such as melanin (responsible for pigmentation) and hemoglobin (found in blood vessels). The absorbed light converts into heat, which helps to break down the targeted skin imperfections without damaging the surrounding tissue.

What is IPL Hyper Pigmentation?

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) laser treatment for hyperpigmentation is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure used to address skin concerns related to excessive pigmentation. Hyperpigmentation refers to areas of the skin that have darkened due to an increase in melanin, the pigment responsible for the color of our skin, hair, and eyes. The IPL laser works by emitting a broad spectrum of light wavelengths that target the melanin in the skin. When the light is absorbed by the melanin, it breaks down the excessive pigmentation, leading to a reduction in dark spots and patches. The surrounding skin is usually left unharmed during the process.

What is IPL Acne Treatment?

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) acne treatment, also known as IPL photofacial or IPL acne therapy, is a non-invasive procedure used to treat acne and improve the overall appearance of the skin. It utilizes intense pulses of light to target and destroy the bacteria responsible for causing acne, as well as reduce the inflammation and redness associated with acne breakouts.

The treatment works by directing specific wavelengths of light into the skin, where it is absorbed by the pigment in the acne-causing bacteria known as Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes). The absorbed light generates heat, which helps to destroy the bacteria and reduce their ability to cause further breakouts.

IPL acne treatment is also effective in shrinking the sebaceous glands, which are responsible for producing excess oil that can clog pores and contribute to the formation of acne. By reducing the size and activity of these glands, IPL can help control oil production and prevent future breakouts.

Additionally, IPL can target the redness and inflammation associated with acne lesions by promoting collagen production, which can improve the overall texture and tone of the skin.

The procedure typically involves several treatment sessions spaced a few weeks apart to achieve optimal results. IPL is considered a safe treatment, and there is minimal downtime or recovery needed after each session. However, it's essential to protect the treated skin from excessive sun exposure and use sunscreen regularly.

It's worth noting that while IPL can be effective for mild to moderate acne, it may not be suitable for severe cases or certain types of acne, such as cystic acne. If you're considering IPL acne treatment, it's best to consult with a dermatologist or a qualified skincare professional to determine if it's the right option for your specific skin condition.

What is IPL Spider Vein Treat?

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) spider vein treatment, also known as IPL vein therapy or IPL vascular treatment, is a non-invasive procedure used to treat small, superficial veins, commonly known as spider veins or broken capillaries. Spider veins are tiny dilated blood vessels that appear close to the surface of the skin, often resembling a spider's web or a branching pattern. They are usually red, blue, or purple in color and can be found on various parts of the body, but most commonly on the legs and face.


  • It begins by trimming away the hair above the skin, usually by shaving (on your first hair removal treatment we may ask that you shave approx 3 days prior so we may see the area but not have a thick growth of hair to remove). Then, a cool gel is spread over the treatment area. The IPL handpiece is then applied to the skin and pulses of light are released from the handpiece and begin to disable unwanted hair. When the gel is removed, much of the treated hair is wiped off with it. The remaining hair in the treated area falls out over the next two weeks and for up to 30 days.

  • After treatment, prevent sun exposure by applying sun block – SPF 30 or above. In the first few days after treatment, don’t scrub or rinse the treated areas with abrasive skin cleansers; don’t use Vitamin A or glycolic acid products on the area for approx 48 hours.

  • Almost any area of the body can be treated and the most common areas we treat are the legs, back, back of the neck, upper lip, chin, underarms, stomach, bikini line, face, chest, etc.

  • The amount of treatments required will vary from person and also the treatment area. For most people an average of eight to ten sessions are required to permanently reduce hair in the bikini or under arm area and we find that clients are amazed at the results one photo rejuvenation treatment can do. Various factors that come into play with the number of treatments such as the colour of your hair and skin, as well as factors such as hormone levels, hair follicle size and hair cycles.

  • While you may feel a slight tingling or pinch (similar to the snap of a rubber hand) from the IPL hand piece, most people tolerate the procedure very well. Some areas of the body are more sensitive than others, you may choose to have a topical anaesthetic applied to increase comfort during the procedure. Patients with thicker and darker hair may feel the tingling sensation more.

  • We can treat some areas within 15 minutes. Others, such as the back or legs, may require 30-60 minutes. Our experience IPL therapist can advise you of the approx required time for treatment.

  • We want you to be completely confident with the treatment. We are more than happy to have you come to the clinic and have a look at our system as we take you through the process of IPL.

    The ideal candidate for IPL hair removal has light skin and dark hair. This does not mean that only people with very light skin and dark hair will have good results. We are able to treat people with at least some melanin in the hair. During the consultation, the IPL therapist will determine your skin type and develop a plan specific to your skin type and hair color.

  • Depending on the individual, hair follicles are damaged by heat but the hairs remain in the follicles. The hairs will fall out after 1 -3 weeks. During this period, the hairs will seem to “grow” as they are pushed out by the new epidermis. After treatment, the hairs are loose in the follicle and can sometimes be easily pulled out with tweezers or by simply exfoliating.

    Most people experience some mild redness and tenderness in the treated area shortly after treatment. This does not interfere with normal activities and usually subsides within a day. In some cases, the redness may last longer but will still be mild and temporary. In most cases, the redness of the skin will subside within 24 – 48 hours post-treatment.

  • The ideal patient is fair-skinned with dark hair but there is much evidence to show that through carefully researched settings, results can be achieved for different hair and skin types. The darker the hair, the more easily it is treated, as darker hair contains more melanin and will heat up more easily. Fairer hair contains less melanin and is harder to treat. For grey or white hair, it may not be as effective in treatment because grey/white hair has no melanin.

  • No, the area should be shaven clean and this would achieve the best hair removal and hair reduction results from the IPL. Prior to having IPL hair treatments, you must avoid waxing, tweezing, and depilatories. During the course of treatments, you will be able to shave the area site, so you can remain virtually hair free.

  • Traditional hair removal techniques –such as shaving, plucking, waxing, and depilatory creams –provide only temporary relief. Until now, the only recognized way to remove hair permanently has been by electrolysis –which can be tedious, time-consuming and uncomfortable. Intense light hair removal safely removes unwanted body hair without damaging the delicate pores and structures of the skin. Facial and bikini areas are usually completed in less than ten minutes –legs, backs, and larger areas can take longer.




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